What is Sparrow?
Sparrow is a streaming platform for content made by and for independent filmmakers. Content on Sparrow is produced with limited budgets by creators who don't have a studio backing their projects. A purchase or rental on Sparrow provides direct support to up-and-coming filmmakers to hone their craft, and funds their future creative endeavors.
How much does it cost? I don't want another monthly bill.
That's the great thing... Sparrow isn't a subscription service! There is no recurring fee associated with having a Sparrow account. Sparrow is a TVOD service, which stands for Transactional Video on Demand. That means you purchase or rent a specific item for a one-time fee. A purchase grants you ongoing access to the content, no subscription fee required. A rental grants you access for 72 hours. Content is priced individually by the filmmakers themselves.
What content is available on Sparrow?
Sparrow features content from a number of independent filmmakers based in New England, including Accented Films and MJP POV. A purchase on Sparrow includes any and all extra content associated with the original work, such as blooper reels, deleted scenes, or interviews with the cast and crew.
Content on Sparrow will also be available in its highest possible quality, while other streaming platforms may limit resolution or aspect ratio.
What format is Sparrow content in?
Different filmmakers use different equipment, so certain projects may look better than others. However, all content has a resolution of at least 1080p HD (and up to 4K), and an audio mix of at least 2.0 Stereo Sound (and up to 5.1 Surround Sound). Sparrow will automatically down-convert content to the best format available on your streaming device.
Why bother creating a streaming platform instead of just selling on Amazon or Google Play?
Most digital storefronts such as Apple TV, Vudu, and Google Play don't allow small independent filmmakers to launch on their platform, simply because they don't have enough content. Indie filmmakers can partner with a publishing house, to have the publisher launch content on their behalf, but those publishers take a hefty cut of revenue and charge massive upfront fees. The one exception is Amazon Instant Video, which allows filmmakers at any level to sell their content on the platform at no upfront cost. However, they take 50% of revenue.
Accented Films began investigating ways to self-distribute their content and eventually discovered that they could launch a streaming platform for minimal upfront cost and manage it themselves. They launched their platform "Aigu" in December 2022 to great success.
Over time, two things became clear... One, the need for a streaming platform that could showcase content by many independent filmmakers, not just one, was apparent, and Accented Films was ready and able to expand their platform to fill that void. And two... the name Aigu, though near and dear to our hearts, isn't all that easy to spell, pronounce, or remember. Unless you speak French!
In October 2023, Aigu was rebranded and relaunched as Sparrow, a streaming platform operated by Accented Films, but accessible as a means of distribution to any independent filmmaker.
Where can I watch Sparrow?
Sparrow can be watched using a web browser on most computers, tablets, and smartphones. The web-based application includes native support for quality adjustment and subtitles, and content can be cast or streamed using AirPlay or Google Cast to an appropriately enabled device. Sparrow also supports an HDMI connection to a larger screen. At this time, however, there is no native Sparrow streaming app for phones, tablets, smart TVs, or game consoles.
Where is Sparrow available? What languages is it in?
All content includes soft-coded English subtitles. Although the service itself is exclusively available in English, Sparrow is available in most countries around the world.
Why the name Sparrow?
Sparrows are known for being creative, resourceful, modest, unassuming, free-spirited, social, and very versatile and adaptable. We couldn't think of any better adjectives to describe independent filmmakers.
I already purchased one of your films on Aigu, can I watch it on Sparrow?
Thank you for your support! Any and all purchases you've made on Aigu are still available on Sparrow. Log in with the same username and password you used for Aigu, and all of your purchases will be available to you.